
Showing posts from September, 2017

Episode 7: Fountain of Youth

Did JK Rowling foreshadow the first tournament task in the first book? Why do Neville, Luna and Ginny fight Death Eaters with the Trio in the fifth and sixth books? A look at how the archetypes ruling the first six Harry Potter books interact with each other. Episode 7: Fountain of Youth Watch the Episode 7 video on YouTube. EPISODE GUIDE

Episode 6: A Murder of Crones

In myths and folktales, a Crone watches over the hero in childhood, but the Crone isn't any old woman. The Crone is a conduit between worlds, and a male character who's an archetypal Crone is a key figure in Harry Potter . Harry understanding Crones makes him a whole person and, ultimately, Master of Death. Episode 6: A Murder of Crones Watch the Episode 6 video on YouTube. EPISODE GUIDE